Fees and payments

Materials and Services charges are $287 per student.

Below is a list of current options for paying your family accounts.

If you have any questions or need extra time to make a payment, get in touch for a confidential discussion with Tracey our Business Manager on 8255 1307.



Our front office has EFTPOS facilities available. You can call in and pay in person between 8:30am and 3pm. You can also call and make a credit card payment over the phone on 8255 1307.

School Card

If you’re eligible for School Card, you can apply for a School Card online via the SA.GOV.AU website.

Or, we can provide your family with a paper copy of this form. Come into the office at any time for support in completing this form.

Preschool children are not eligible for School Cards. These accounts will need to be paid by the family/parent.